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Conserving Our Environment

Marriott Vacations Worldwide strives to take responsibility for the environmental impact of business operations both in and beyond our resorts. Today, as an industry leader recognized worldwide for its standard of quality, Marriott Vacations Worldwide is more focused than ever on demonstrating responsible development and resort management as a positive force for the environment.

Clean the world volunteer event tables with Clean the World kit items
Clean the World toothbrushes in a display box
Clean the World Logo


250,709 pounds


Marriott Vacations Worldwide became Clean the World’s first vacation ownership partner in 2012. Clean the World is a global leader in sustainable environmental and social impact solutions, transforming used soap bars and plastic amenities that the hospitality industry would otherwise discard into life-saving, essential supplies for communities in need across the globe. With every soap and plastic amenity recycled, Clean the World helps reduce the impact of pollution on our planet and improves the lives of women, children, and communities globally by donating new soap bars to global NGOs, such as The WASH Foundation. With over 8,000 participants in its Global Hospitality Recycling Program, Clean the World has already diverted over 25 million pounds of waste from landfills and donated over 80 million bars of recycled soap since its inception in 2009.

bar of soap with bubbles icon


683,520 Bars of Soap


Through our partnership with Clean the World, our associates help get soap & hygiene kits to communities that lack access to these essential items

hand with a heart floating above icon

Together, our associates volunteer their time and efforts to help those in need throughout their communities.

Group of associates in orange safety vests posing for a picture after a roadside clean-up event
Group of associates posing together with black trash bags in a wooded area have a clean-up event.

Unless otherwise noted, all numbers above are based on most recent full year reported. Refer to current 2022 Report for details.